Founder's Biography

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Dr Ifriky TADADJEU is a scientist and engineer with a uniquely rich background in physics, computer science, material sciences, nanotechnology, satellite systems engineering, space radiation interaction with materials and devices, space mission analysis and design, project management, and entrepreneurship. With more than 7 years involvement with nanosatellites, he worked on more than 5 missions, most of which as mission analyst. While he was project manager for the ZACUBE-2 space mission, he identified the processes and group mentality necessary to deliver the mission requirements on time and within budget. During his time in France as mission analyst for the Centre Spatial Universitaire de Montpellier (CSUM), he became one of the few engineers authorized to provide training in the use of the mission analysis tools and methods of the French space agency, Centre National d'Études Spatiales (CNES). He also reviewed the technical feasibility of more than 20 space missions for CNES to help them shortlist scientific nanosatellite missions on which to focus towards 2030. He managed the concurrent design facility, and has implemented concurrent spacecraft design processes capable of reducing the time needed for the initial spacecraft sizing of nanosatellites by 50%. His work as project lead and mission analyst for various strategic missions has contributed to what is now the standard approach at CSUM for mission analysis. He has proposed several original ideas to improve functionality per unit mass in nanosatellites, 2 of which were considered for patenting. He packaged his experience into unique products now offered in his company Nanosatellite Missions Design.
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Founder's Biography

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